Compress JPG To 1MB

Convert picture to 1MB using this image compressor to 1MB online tool.

Lower values give better compression (at the cost of image quality). Default quality is 60 which is a good balance between image quality and compression.


How to compress jpg to 1mb ?

  1. Simply select the jpg file from your PC or Mobile on the compress jpg to 1mb file online tool.
  2. Select jpg image quality for better jpg image compression.
  3. Now Click on the compress button to compress jpg to 1mb file online.
  4. Finally, download compressed jpg from compress jpg to 1mb file online tool.

Convert picture to 1MB

If you want to do image compress to 1mb, so you are landed on a right place because this tool allow you to convert picture to 1mb without any technical knowledge. Many social sites restricted users to upload only 1MB image size or below, but if you have a large size image so you are not able to upload picture. Many peoples face this problem, to solve this problem we have created this online image compressor tool so peoples can easily compress image without losing image quality. Our online tool image compressor to 1mb allows users to do image compress to 1mb in just one click. Just drag and drop and select the image quality you want and then convert picture to 1mb is done. If you want to compress jpg to below 1mb, so you can use our compress jpg to 500kb online tool.

